We are having so much fun.. haha..
In class, We voted on the fable Noverm choose, " The princess and the pea". We spend the rest of the class time coming with our own rendition of the princess and the pea fable. We came up with some really funny story line but at the end of the day they could not meet the objective of the assignment.
After class, we continued to brainstorm. All of us finally decided to move on to another fable. It was between the fables Rachel and I choose. As we discussed more , all of us decided to choose the “Boy who cried whole fable”. Novem mentioned about using apples instead of human . Hui Zhen agreed that stop motion will be cool and Novem mentioned about using apples as casts.*WHAT*! Honestly, I prefer working with humans , coming up with wardrobe , location and all the things that come with the normal video type. I really did not want stop motion and I told them. Both Novem and Hui Zhen continue to convince about their stop motion idea . I was wishing really hard that rest of them won’t buy the idea but one by one caved in . Left without choice, I reluctantly agreed. It is not that I don’t like to try something new but I am just not a big fan of stop motion and all. Suppressing my dislikes, I gave suggestions on the storyline and how the set should look like. I volunteered to do the scrip but Novem said she knew the story better and decided she will do it.
Maybe stop motion won't be so bad after all ..... *fingers crossed*
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