Tuesday, March 18, 2008

18/3/08 Tuesday

Today was interim 2.... Julian watched our video and seem to enjoy it... He mentioned a few things that could be improved.... but other than that it was good.... Hui Zhen and Noverm made the changes.... I can't believe it we are all done.... only the documentation part to go..... YEHHHH!!

This is the cd cover.... done by Kong... nice rite :)

17/03/08 Monday

Since tomorrrow was intrim 2, we did more touch ups on the video...... i think we are actually almost done.... we just need to hear Julian's comments to make the last few changes..... Noverm did the credits again as it was moving too fast ..I guess we only got the motion gaphic part to do....

14/03/08 Friday

Today Rachel and i did the trailer... it was so much better than yesterday.... it went really smoothly... we had no problems... it was easy working with her.... So after finishing it, i asked Hui Zhen for her comment and she liked it .... yipeee!!! hmmm... i guess thats about it...

13/03/08 Thusday

As we were already on our way of to completing the video, Hui Zhen suggested that we should do a trailer. I volunteered to do it. She ask Rachel to help me.... since Hui Zhen and Novem were editing...... So we left to find music for the trailer at 3d lab... Since i already had a brief idea on how i want the trailer to be.... i found the music easily .... but it took a long time downloading it .....

When we returned to hereafter, Noverm and Hui Zhen had already left for the diploma show.... but Hui Zhen had left her hard drive containing the exported quicktime clip of our video...... So we imported the file and the music we found into FCP...... but FCP could not read the music file.... i asked Guna for help and he told us that we can't import MP3 files.

So we left to audio room to convert the file from MP3 TO AIFF.... it took some time as we had to wait for our turn to use the computer there.... So after converting the files we import it back into FCP.... As we were cutting the scenes according to the music, there were drop frames each time we play it back..... it was really irritating.... We called Guna again, and after checking he explained that we had exported it in a very low format and so that was why we had drop frame...

As the original file is in Hui Zhen's account we called her up, ask for her passwords and re exported in DVCPRO HD format....it took such a long time to render .... before it can even complete rendering .... Guna told us to cancel it as it was late and he had to close the lab....

hmmm... we spent so much of hours and yet it all went to waste... hopefully tomorrow we will be able to do it...

Monday, March 17, 2008

12/03/08 Wednesday

We all took a break today as most of the group are involved in the diploma show.....so i stayed at home..... i think we all deserve it.. the past weeks have been really exhausting...

11/03/08 Tuesday

Hmmm..... today we worked more on the audio...
we try to adjust the pacing and add in more sounds ....
We worked on transitions...
and changed a little here and there in terms of the video....
i believe we are going at the right track.....
Kudos to us :)

10/04/08 Monday

Today , Rachel and I was in-charge of the credits, Noverm and Hui Zhen recorded the voice overs and Kong and Yijie did some motion graphics. Because we separated workload we managed to do a lot of stuffs.... We still got a little bit more to do....mostly audio stuffs.

For the VO:

Old ToTo- Nick ( Originally it was supposed to be Kong but Nick was really good and so we used him)
Little Mato- Froggy ( She was really good.... it fit little Mato perfectly.
Narrator- Nick

Me doing the credits.... hmmm livetype is not that tricky after all...

Noverm finding for the perfect sound effect from the music library..... look how intense she is...haha

Nicholas reciting the VO while Hui Zhen makes sure that he is saying it right....